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100 Grams

Soumbala is a soft spice that comes from the seeds of the fruit of the nere tree. It is used in West African cuisine to season and flavor dishes. Its taste is similar to that of stock cube for which it is an excellent natural and vegan substitute. It is healthy and contains no salt or chemicals.

Soumbala, also known as soumbara, is a spice from the nere tree, a tree from the African savannah. This spice is extracted from the seeds of the fruit of this tree, which comes in the form of a pod with a yellow and edible pulp. The seeds are fermented, dried, ground and transformed into an all-natural powder that can be stored easily. Soumbala is a natural substitute for industrial bouillon cubes.

It is a very popular spice and is mainly used in West African cuisine to season and enhance the flavors of all types of dishes.

Our soumbala is produced in Guinea by local women producers with the NGO KDF which ensures a fair remuneration for these women.

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